Genre: Shooter, Action, RPG Release date: 21.03.2017 Age limit: 16+ Developer: BioWare Montreal Website:
Mass Effect: Andromeda - is a third-person space shooter.
The events take place in the Mass Effect universe during the events of the first three parts of this game, but in a different part of the galaxy. New ship, new team, new tasks and opportunities. The gender of the main character is chosen by the player. You can also customize its appearance. During the game, the hero's abilities can be developed. There is an in-game currency for purchasing weapons and equipment.
In addition to the single-player mode, the possibility of network play is provided (a team of up to 4 players must withstand 7 waves of enemy attacks).
Testing was carried out by several methods (the average result is shown): • The second planet, a short run just after landing. Maximum preset settings (Ultra). Resolution Scale Mode disabled. TAA smoothing. • First planet, a little run right after landing. Maximum preset settings (Ultra). DirectX 11. Grain and chromatic aberration active. • The first planet, a run with shooting and explosions. Maximum preset settings (Ultra). DirectX 11. Grain and chromatic aberration active. • Elaaden, running from cover to cover. DirectX 11. Maximum settings preset (Ultra). Grain and chromatic aberration are active.