Genre: Shooter, Horror, Adventure, Survival, RPG Release date: 02.02.2010 Age limit: 18+ Developer: GSC Game World Website:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat - is a first-person shooter with elements of horror and survival.
The events take place near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant several decades after the nuclear disaster. The territories adjacent to the power plant are contaminated by radiation and remain unfit for human life. Only brave people who call themselves Stalkers and hunt for various artifacts dare to enter here. The territory is inhabited by mutant creatures. Strange anomalies occur on it.
The main character is an officer of the Ukrainian special services, who goes to the exclusion zone of the power plant with a special task.
Testing was carried out by several methods (the average result is shown): • A special benchmark created by the game developers was used (all 4 scenes). Graphic settings on Ultra. DirectX 11. • A special benchmark created by the game developers was used (only the heaviest scene "SunShafts"). Graphic settings on Ultra. DirectX 11. Improved dynamic lighting. Shading in HDAO mode. Tessellation and realistic shadows enabled. Smoothing is disabled. • A special benchmark created by the game developers was used (only the heaviest scene "SunShafts"). Graphic settings on Ultra. DirectX 11. Improved dynamic lighting. Shading in HDAO mode. Tessellation and realistic shadows enabled. Anti-aliasing in x4 mode.